// create a short link to any text on the Internet //
Use Cases
Advanced Topics
What is TLDRify?
TLDRify (pronounced as "tildrifAi") is free tool and service that allows users sharing a text selected on a Web page as a short URL. This is helpful, when you wish people that you share a URL with focus on a specific Web page area (see Use Cases for more information).
Free registration with tldrify.com gives you the ability to manage links you create, see basic statistics of views, and more.
How this differs from other URL shortener services?
The concept is very similar to other URL shortener services, with the exception that TLDRify not only restores the location of the original page, but also reveals and highlights the originally selected text.
Live example
See this live example of what people see when they open a short link generated by TLDRify: tldrify.com/uj
Watch this video to learn how to create links like the above:
Use Cases
Focusing on important part
The original Web page contains a lot of information, and people get lost when trying to find the relevant part (citation, for example). TLDRify helps you focus by scrolling and selecting the needed information.
Citing another article
You write a blog (Web page, e-mail, tweet, etc.), and you wish to cite another article.
Preserving original source when sharing
You want to share specific information from a Website, and you wish people look at the original page, rather than sending them a copy.
Code review
Assume you are a computer programmer, and you want to point other developer to a piece of source code available publicly.
Advanced Topics
How does TLDRify work?
TLDRify "remembers" the location of the selected text along with the original Web site URL. When URL created with TLDRify is opened in Web browser, the original site is presented through tldrify.com proxy. Originally selected text is then found on the page and revealed.
What if I have exactly the same text twice on a page?
The TLDRify will not be confused by this fact. The tool not only remembers the text itself, but also the position. This comes in handy when you select data that appears more than once on page.