We spoke to the hacker who claimed to have broken into the servers of the Democratic National Committee, who goes by the name of “Guccifer 2.0,” in reference to the notorious hacker who leaked the George W. Bush paintings and recently claimed to have hacked Hillary Clinton’s email server.
In the interest of transparency, and to let readers judge for themselves, we decided to publish the full chat log. We kept the parts in Romanian, adding the English translation, according to Google Translate.
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Motherboard: So, first of all, what can you tell me about yourself? Who are you?
Guccifer 2.0: i’m a hacker, manager, philosopher, women lover. I also like Gucci! I bring the light to people. I’m a freedom fighter! So u can choose what u like!
And where are you from?
From Romania.
Do you work with Russia or the Russian government?
No because I don’t like Russians and their foreign policy. I hate being attributed to Russia.
I’ve already told! Also I made a big deal, why you glorify them?
Tell me about the DNC hack. How did you get in?
I hacked that server through the NGP VAN soft, if u understand what I’m talking about.
So that was your entry point, what happened next?
I used 0-day exploit of NGP VAN soft then I installed shell-code into the DNC server. it allowed me to intrude into DNC network. They have Windows-based domain architecture. then I installed my Trojans on several PCs. I had to go from one PC to another every week so CrowdStrike couldn’t catch me for a long time. I know that they have cool intrusion detection system. But my heuristic algorithms are better.
When did you first hack them?
Last summer.
And when did you get kicked out?
June 12, when they rebooted their system.
And why did you hack the DNC in the first place?
DNC isn’t my first deal.
Who else have you hacked?
Follow my blog and u’ll know! I can’t tell u now about all my deals. My safety depends on it.
OK, I understand. But why did u target DNC? why are you interested in them?
Lazar began this deal and I follow him! I think we must fight for freedom of minds, fight for the world without Illuminati
Marcel Lazăr [The original Gufficer]
Ah yeah of course. Did you know him personally?
I can’t answer cause I care for Marcel.
Ai vrea să vorbească în română pentru un pic? [You want to talk for a bit in Romanian?]
Vorbiți limbă română? [Speak Romanian?]
Putin. Poți să-mi spui despre hack în română? cum ai făcut-o? [A little. Can you tell me about hack in Romanian? How did you do it?]
Or u just use Google translate?
Poți să răspunzi la întrebarea mea? [Can you answer my question?]
V-am spus deja. încercați să-mi verifica? [I have already said. try to check?]
Da [Yes]
Nu vreau să-mi pierd timpul [I do not want to waste my time]
De ce ai pus metadate rusă în primul lot de documente? [Why did you put Russian metadata in the first batch of documents?]
Este filigranul meu [It is my watermark]
De ce nu l-ai pus pe documentele de azi? [Why didn’t you put it in the documents today?]
Puteți găsi de asemenea alte filigrane în limbă spaniolă. Caută mai bine. [You can also find other watermarks in Spanish. Look better]
Sunt confuz de ceea ce spui, filigran, pentru că este mereu în schimbare. Pot să vă rog să-mi explicați în propria ta limba maternă? Așa că este mult mai clar. [I’m confused by what you say, why is watermark changing? Can you please explain to me in your own language? So it is more clear.]
Oare nu știți ce este filigran? [You do not know what watermark?]
Eu fac. Dar eu nu înțeleg de ce ai folosit filigrane rusești în unele Docs și nu în altele [I do. But I do not understand why you use watermarks in Russian in some documents and not in others?]
îți voi arăta [I will show you]
Please do.
O secundă, vă rog [A second, please]
De ce faci toate astea? [Why are you doing this?]
Asta e din partea următoare [That’s the next]
Am spus deja, e un filigran, un semn special [I have already said, it’s a watermark, a special sign]
Do you like Trump?
I don’t care at all
кто-то говорит мне, что ты румынская полна ошибок [Someone tells me that your Romanian is full of mistakes.]
What’s this? Is it russian?
You don’t understand it?
R u kidding? Just a moment I’ll look in google translate what u meant. “Someone tells me that you are full of mistakes Romanian.”
Hai sa-ti pun cateva intrebari, ca sa vad ca esti cu adevarat roman [Let me ask you a few questions to see that you are truly native.]
Man, I’m not a pupil at school.
What do you mean?
If u have serious questions u can ask. Don’t waste my time.
Am mult de făcut [I have much to do]
Si cat umblai prin reteaua astora de la DNC, mai hackuise si altcineva in afara de tine [When you got into the DNC network was someone else there besides you?]
[No answer]
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Screenshot: Playground Games