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About Joe Lieberman:
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the vice presidential nominee on the 2000 Democratic ticket, announced January 13, 2003, that he is running for the White House in 2004. But after poor showings in the February 3 primaries, Lieberman dropped out of the race. Lieberman, a moderate Democrat, was the first Jewish candidate to be nominated for vice president and would have been the first elected president.
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Editor's note: This chart features brief summaries of candidates' viewpoints on some issues, based on their statements and records. Most candidates have offered more comprehensive explanations of their positions on these and other issues. More information may be found on their campaign Web sites.
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Affirmative Action
Supports affirmative action policies
Gay marriage
Opposes same-sex marriage; supports domestic partnership laws
Gays in the military
Favors allowing gay men, women to serve openly in military
Gay adoption
Supports; "Sexual orientation should not be a bar to adoption"
Hate crime legislation
Supports federal hate crimes legislation
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National Missile Defense
Supported initial missile defense deployment
Increase size of Army
No public position available
Program budgets
For Bush's $19 billion increase in defense spending
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Drilling in ANWR
Opposes oil exploration in Arctic refuge
Alternative fuels
Supports funds, tax credit for fuel cells, hybrid cars
Energy policy
Kick foreign oil by 2023, up efficiency, new technology
Gas mileage requirements
Supports increasing mileage requirements
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Drug costs
Backed bringing low-cost, generic drugs to market quicker
Medicare solvency
Do not force seniors to HMOs, but fix public system
Prescription drugs benefit
Supports adding drug benefit to Medicare
Nationalized health care
Supports advancing availability, new MediKids program
Sue HMOs
Supports a patient's bill of rights to allow HMO lawsuits
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Enemy combatants
Early and consistent advocate of military tribunals
Patriot Act
Voted in favor of Patriot Act
Establish guest-worker, legalization programs for immigrants
Intelligence agencies
Spur initiatives to share info between federal, local levels
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War in Iraq
Supported the war, helped write resolution authorizing
Iraqi reconstruction
Supports International Security Force in Iraq
Pre-emption policy
For pre-empting terrorists, coercing supporting governments
For continued involvement, with allies, in Afghanistan
Middle East
Advocates more pressure on Palestinians to renounce terrorism
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Supports a woman's right to an abortion
Death penalty
Supports death penalty
Drug policy
Record favoring tougher approach to drug offenses
Gun control
Co-sponsor Gun Show Loophole Closing and Gun Law Enforcement Act
Education reform
Criticized Bush administration for not fully funding NCLB
Supreme Court
Name justices who will "protect the rights of all Americans"
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Social Security
Opposes privatizing Social Security
State fiscal crisis
Advocates replenishing state Medicaid accounts
Tax cuts
Voted against Bush tax cuts
Budget deficits
Call's Bush's fiscal policies "reckless;" cap all other non-defense discretionary spending
Job creation
More research and development funds for more high-tech jobs
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• AG: Attorney General; ANWR: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; CAFÉ: Standards that provide tax and other incentives for consumers to purchase and alternative fuel vehicles; COPS: Community Oriented Policing Program; DOMA: Defense of Marriage Act; GLBT: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered; NCLB: No Child Left Behind; NMD: National Missile Defense.
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